
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

>LAST GENERATION< "Good News" EARLY MORNING FEATURED DEVOTIONAL #1 Tuesday May 1 2012 Iyar 9, 5772

Billy Graham's Daily Devotion

God, the Peacekeeper

MAY 1, 2012

He will keep in perfect peace all those who trust in him, whose thoughts turn often to the Lord!
–Isaiah 26:3 (TLB)


You have an ego—a consciousness of being an individual. Of course, you do. But that doesn’t mean that you are to worship yourself, to think constantly of yourself, and to live entirely for yourself. Common sense tells you that your life would be miserable if you followed that course. God is infinitely more concerned about your happiness than you could possibly be. He says, “Deny yourself, and follow me.” There is many a person in the insane asylum today who thought excessively about himself, to the exclusion of God and
others. Hypochondriacs who have a fanciful anxiety about their health will never be well, regardless of their physical condition.



Keep my mind on You, Lord, and help me to discipline the thoughts of self which crowd out Your peace.



Cynthia says 5.1.2011, 5:34 p.m.

Thank you for this for sharing with us! I love Billy Graham! A great man of God!

Gerry says 5.1.2011, 05:52 a.m.

To the world I am nothing more than an anonymous grain of sand on a vast beach. To our Heavenly Father however, I am genuinely loved, as a member of his family. Not because of any great thing that I accomplished but just because he cares. There is an astounding peace that comes with knowing he is concerned about every detail of my life, now and forever.

mick says 4.29.2011, 11:58 a.m.

What an improvement our world would be if we could remove our "egos."


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