
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Christian Post: Wednesday June 06, 2012 Sivan 16, 5772

Bible translation
(Photo: The Seed Company via Christian Post)

New Bible Translation Initiative Aimed at 'Most Marginalized People'

By Alex Murashko

A Bible translation organization wants to help bring the Gospel to groups around the world with the smallest number of people whose members speak the same language but have yet to hear God's Word.

Proposition 8 Likely Headed to Supreme Court After Appeal Struck Down

By Stoyan Zaimov

Proposition 8, which defines marriage as between a man and a woman in California, is likely headed to the U.S. Supreme Court after a federal appeals court rejected on Tuesday a request to reconsider an earlier decision that struck it down.


health care

Christian Law Group: ObamaCare Is Worse Than You Think

By Alex Murashko

A Christian-based legal defense alliance is warning Americans who already believe that President Barack Obama's health care plan is a bad idea that the "ObamaCare mandate is worse than you think."

Gov. Scott Walker easily survived his recall election brought on by organized labor in Wisconsin on Tuesday by winning 54 percent of the vote against his Democrat rival, Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett who came away with 45 percent.

In 2008, then Sen. Barack Obama's platform of "hope and change" brought independent and Democratic Christian voters to the polls in high numbers. Yet keeping this flock intact may be more challenging as a result of some recent positions the White House has taken.

With same-sex marriage scheduled to be officially recognized in Washington State on Thursday, churches are banding together to overturn the law and win a battle that they believe they can't afford to lose.

Church & Ministries

Pastor Corey Brooks speaking at the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism on Tuesday speaking about Project Hood Walk Across America to End Violence.

Pastor Launches Cross-Country Trek to Raise $15M in Fight Against Inner-City Violence

By Ivana Kvesic

Starting from New York City Tuesday, Illinois Pastor Corey Brooks has embarked on a several-months-long journey across the U.S. to raise $15 million to fund his ongoing battle against the staggering levels of gun violence that plague the predominantly black youth of inner-city Chicago and others across the country.

Pastors from Seattle-based Mars Hill Church are struggling to understand why conducting worship services by way of rotating into the weekly schedule of an active rock concert venue in Orange County on Sundays is a problem with city officials.

Hundreds of Southern Baptists have signed a statement that rejects Calvinist views on the doctrine of salvation and outlines the "traditional Southern Baptist Understanding of God's Plan of Salvation."

In his new sermon series that warns against drinking the "Culture's Cool-Aid," Pastor Ed Young of Fellowship Church in Texas told his congregation over the weekend that it is important to consider why the Bible describes homosexuality as sin and why same-sex marriage misrepresents God's relationship with creation.

A congregant of the Crystal Cathedral has filed a claim in bankruptcy court, seeking $5.6 million from the California megachurch founder Robert H. Schuller and $30 billion from the Roman Catholic Diocese of Orange, alleging the sale of the church campus violated his religious and civil rights.

Hundreds of Iowa Methodists Sign Petition Challenging Gay Marriage Ban

A month after the general assembly of the United ...

Organized Crime Finds Fertile Ground Across Latin America

Gangs and drug trafficking groups are getting ...

Ill. Atheist Fails to Get Court to Cut State Funding for Giant Cross

An appeals court has ruled against an Illinois ...

American Psychological Association Pushing 'Ultra-Liberal' Agenda, Says Former Head

Dr. Nicholas Cummings, who was once president of the American Psychological Association, says the organization that he once ran is being controlled by "ultra-liberals" who are working tirelessly to promote and advance the gay ...

Richard Dawkins' Next Book to Focus on Personal Path Toward Atheism

Famed atheist and scientist Richard Dawkins has ...

Kuwaiti Man Sentenced to 10 Years for Mocking Islam on Twitter

A man in Kuwait has been sentenced to 10 years in ...

Herman Cain Takes to the Airwaves Again as Talk Radio Host

Former Godfather's Pizza executive and Republican ...

Judge Rules Prayers at Vt. Town Meetings Unconstitutional

A judge has ruled against the practice of a ...

More Blogs

How My Personal Prayer Team Is Structured

This week I tweeted, “Meeting with my personal ...

Discipleship: More than Information

Many churches equate discipleship with knowledge. ...

Whose Justice? Which Theology?

Deep down in every one of us is a desire for ...



Sean Michael Afable on 'Hardflip': 'Keep Your Focus on Christ'

By Sami K. Martin

"Hardflip" hit theaters on Friday, and Sean Michael Afable, one of the movie's leads, spoke with The Christian Post about his role in the film as well as the work he is doing within his own church. "I want to give back and mentor anyone I can and just be there for them," he explained.

Brazilian Ultimate Fighting Championship fighter, Vitor Belfort, who recently had his rematch against Wanderlei Silva canceled because of an injury to his hand, will launch a motivational book this month through Thomas Nelson Brazil. The book talks about his faith, success and remarkable experiences inside and outside the octagon.

Manny Pacquiao, 33-year-old Filipino congressman and pugilist who currently holds a welterweight championship belt, recently spoke about his career goals outside of boxing and how the Bible has helped him find balance.


Remnants of an aircraft are shown on a truck following the crash that killed Jay and Katrina Erickson, who served as Christian missionaries at the Chitokoloki Mission Hospital in Zambia.

Plane Crash in Africa Kills Young Missionary Couple

By Jeff Schapiro

A funeral was held Tuesday for a young missionary couple that died over the weekend in a tragic plane crash in Zambia. Jay and Katrina Erickson were killed Saturday during a return trip to the hospital after dropping off a nurse in another town.

The number of violations of Christians' religious rights in Indonesia reached 40 in the first five months of the year, nearly two-thirds the amount of anti-Christian actions in all of last year, according to the Jakarta Christian Communication Forum.

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Rowan Williams, has paid tribute to the British Queen's selfless dedication to the nation during her 60 years on the British throne.

Several Bishops in Bolivia recently released a statement which regarded the pursuit of homosexual marriage by members of the Bolivian government a "threat to the family" and urged the country's lawmakers not to pass a bill that would legalize gay marriage.

Christian Leaders More Influential on Twitter Than Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga

Christian leaders and their ministries are some ...

Sanctus Real's Tour Bus Destroyed in Fire (PHOTOS)

The band Sanctus Real, as well as four children, ...

Manny Pacquiao Is a 'Bible-Quoting Maniac,' Says Rick Warren

Pastor Rick Warren was recently invited by world ...

Tim Tebow's Virginity Mocked in Comedian's Rolling Stones Parody

A new parody song created by radio personality ...

Jeremy Lin Returning to Knicks 'Without a Doubt,' Says Mike Woodson

Mike Woodson, New York Knicks head coach, seems ...

Miss USA 2012 Winner Olivia Culpo Open to Transgender Contestants (VIDEO)

Olivia Culpo became Miss USA 2012 Sunday night ...

Professor Retells Road to Emmaus Story Through Modern-Day Lens

The Road to Emmaus story is a historical account ...

Green Lantern is Gay: DC Comics Prompts Backlash by Outing Superhero

Green Lantern has been outed as gay by DC Comics ...

Tech & Biz

Noodle & Boo

Noodle & Boo Founder: 'It's Liberating to Know God Will Open Doors'

By Sami K. Martin

Christine Burger, founder of Noodle & Boo body products for babies, never expected to be doing what she is now. Burger spoke with The Christian Post about her life purpose to help children and the faith it took to venture into an unknown business.

The Samsung Galaxy S3 will be available for pre-order June 6 on AT&T, according to an announcement made by the carrier earlier today.

Apple is preparing to unveil its new MacBook Pro, and with the expected unveiling and release date potentially only being a few weeks away rumors are escalating as to the new features on Apple's best-selling notebook.

Japan "diet glasses" are being used as an alternative to traditional dieting and exercise, according to reports. The new device tricks wearers into eating less or more, depending on the settings at the time.

Grace 101

By Paul Tripp

So grace is a story, and grace is a gift. It is God's character, and it is your hope. Grace is a transforming tool and a state of relationship. Grace is a theology and an invitation. Grace is an experience and a calling. Grace will turn your life upside down while giving you a rest you have never known. Grace will convince you of your unworthiness without ever making you feel unloved.


Can Christians Use Birth Control?

By R. Albert Mohler, Jr.


The effective separation of sex from procreation may be one of the most important defining marks of our age–and one of the most ominous. This awareness is spreading among American evangelicals, and it threatens to set loose a firestorm.


Snake-Handling Christians: Faith, Prophecy and Obedience

By Nicola Menzie

snake handling file photo

The recent death of a Christian minister from West Virginia who believed that the Bible instructs the faithful to handle snakes and drink poison has put into question a doctrine many believe is unbiblical and dangerous but that its adherents, biblical literalists, say they are compelled to obey.


Planned Parenthood: Using Our Money to Oppose Our Freedom

By Doug H. Napier

Planned Parenthood

On June 12, North Dakotans will have the opportunity to freely decide the fate of that state's Religious Liberty Freedom Amendment…unless, of course, Planned Parenthood dumps another half a million dollars into state coffers from places as distant as California and New York, to confuse voters in what will or won't be the status of religious liberty in North Dakota.


Getting Off the Treadmill of Guilt

By Joyce Meyer

Joyce Meyer

Guilt is a dangerous emotion because it can shut us down spiritually if we let it. We make mistakes and then start wondering where we stand in our relationship with God.


Parenting and Setting Boundaries: The 2 'Rs' Kids Need to Understand

By June Hunt

June Hunt

Parenting is demanding work. Those who raise children are required to wear many hats (CEO and janitor, nutritionist and nurse, counselor and cook, plumber and many others). So, how can parents guide their children into successful adulthood? One of the essential requirements is learning how to establish healthy boundaries.


America's Moral Schizophrenia

By Ken Connor


We find ourselves living in a society where our elected officials see nothing strange about using the power of government to impose a morality of nutrition while shying away from using that power to protect the lives of innocent unborn children.


Is It Sin for Me Not to Like the Doctrine of Election?

By John Piper

John Piper

It's sin not to like the true doctrine of election. It's sin not to like what God likes. I want to say it like that because many people have conceptions of doctrines—all kinds of doctrines—that are inaccurate.


Five Secrets Pastors Refuse to Tell

By Thom S. Rainer

Thom Rainer

By their very nature, pastors are a confidential lot. But most people don't realize pastors have their own secrets. These spiritual leaders refuse to share their thoughts or pains for fear that their own ministries will be damaged. So they keep the secrets.


Hugging Homosexuals: An Evangelical Epidemic

By Ken Hutcherson and James Hansen

Va. Tech

Maybe you're suffering with this disorder. From what we've been reading and hearing, a number of Christians are showing these symptoms across the country. Case in point, The Christian Post recently ran a three part series of articles suggesting ways in which the Evangelical community should love homosexual couples who come into the church. What we would like to know, though, is why all the preferential treatment?


Thoughts on Homosexual Comic Book Characters

By Jim Daly

jim daly

There was a time when comic book themes, however fantastical, were still pretty much tame and moral fare. They tended to champion good vs. evil. But now that both comic book lines have committed to plowing this new ground regarding homosexuality, what's a parent of a teenager (both the Marvel and DC series in question have an age-15-and-up rating) who reads the comics to do?


Evangelicals and Catholics Together Getting Born Again

By Dan Delzell

Dan Delzell

It has been nearly 20 years since leading Evangelical and Roman Catholic scholars in the United States signed an ecumenical document to deliver a common witness to the modern world. One affirmation in that document stated: "All who accept Christ as Lord and Savior are brothers and sisters in Christ." This is most certainly true.


Inside Church Planting: From Church Plant to Megachurch Plant (Part 5)

By Jeff Schapiro

Mars Hill West Seattle

While some church planters struggle to get their ministries up and running, others have seen their church plants grow from nothing more than a vision to megachurches that are attended by thousands of people every weekend.


The Seduction of Pornography and the Integrity of Christian Marriage, Part 2

By R. Albert Mohler, Jr.


Marriage is not merely the arena for sexual activity, it is presented in Scripture as the divinely-designed arena for the display of God's glory on earth as a man and a wife come together in a one-flesh relationship within the marriage covenant.


What Makes You Beautiful?

By Lane Palmer

one direction

"What Makes You Beautiful" is much more than an internet splash with over 140 million views and rising like the tide. And I may be mistaken, but it feels like "beautiful" is mainly equated with physical appearance.


Parental Discipline Without Provocation

By Kevin DeYoung


In Ephesians 6:4, God tells fathers (though I think the application is fair for both parents) to raise children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. He also warns against provoking our children to anger. So how do we do one without the other?


'Joni and Friends' Celebrates Three Decades of Radio Ministry

By Jeff Schapiro

Joni Eareckson Tada is a radio host and the founder of the Joni and Friends International Disability Center.

The month of May marked the 30th anniversary of Joni Eareckson Tada's award-winning radio program, "Joni and Friends Radio," which has inspired listeners around the world and educated them about people with disabilities.


Dictators and Baby Girls

By Eric Metaxas


In the newly released film, "The Dictator," the title character is played by shock comedian Sacha Baron Cohen. In one scene, the dictator is informed by his wife that she is pregnant; to which he replies: "Are you having a boy or an abortion?" Yikes!


America's Moral Temperature: Is Pornography the Next Battleground?

By Dr. Richard D. Land

Richard Land

A newly released Gallup poll taking America's moral temperature finds strong support for fidelity in marriage and increasing respect for unborn life, but in other key areas – specifically sex outside of marriage and homosexuality – Americans may have lost their biblical compass. And, unless all people of faith unite in opposition, pornography may be next.


A Week in China - Insight Into WEA's Meetings With China's Officials

By Brian C Stiller

Geoff Tunnicliffe

World Evangelical Alliance's (WEA) Secretary General Dr. Geoff Tunnicliffe, and WEA Global Ambassador, Brian Stiller, met with China's director of the State Administration for Religious Affairs (SARA) in May to discuss the place of the Chinese Evangelical Church within the global Christian community.


The Kind of Church God Blesses

By Rick Warren

Rick Warren

London has some of the most beautiful, historic churches in the entire world. Yet they are also some of the most empty. I was struck by this recently when I was in the city to do a Bible study. Churches are dying off so fast that they're being sold off to bars and restaurants. London churches are desperate for the blessing of God.


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