
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

THE CHRISTIAN POST: Wednesday July 4 2012 Tammuz 14, 5772

(Photo: REUTERS/Shannon Stapleton)

4th of July: What Does Freedom Mean to Christians?

By Alex Murashko

With the celebration of Independence Day in the U.S. and less than one week after the Supreme Court's decision to uphold Obamacare, The Christian Post asked Christians in the context of current events, "What does freedom mean to you this 4th of July?"

Scientists Announce Near Discovery of 'God Particle'

By Anugrah Kumar

Scientists at a nuclear research facility in Switzerland announced Wednesday a milestone in their decades-long hunt for a subatomic particle, known as the "God particle," which should help explain why objects have mass and answer other fundamental questions about the universe.


obama romney

What Are Obama, Romney Doing on Fourth of July?

By Anugrah Kumar

President Barack Obama and his Republican rival Mitt Romney will be with their respective families on the Fourth of July. But given the unmatched patriotic spirit the holiday brings with it, the two will also seek to connect with voters by participating in Independence Day events.

A new Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) seeking to end the illegal flow of weapons to terrorist organizations was brought to the table at during a press briefing at the United Nations on Tuesday, as diplomats from more than 100 countries meet this week to negotiate an international agreement.

Chick-fil-A, the fast-food chicken restaurant chain known for its commitment to employing biblical beliefs in its business practices, is once again under attack by homosexual activists for its support of pro-traditional marriage organizations.

The U.S. Supreme Court's recent ruling on the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as "Obamacare," could add significantly to the national debt, economist Charles Blahous argues.

President Barack Obama has said that the most important policy for him to address if given a second term in office is climate change. A new Washington Post/Stanford University poll shows a dramatic drop, though, in concern over global warming.

Church & Ministries

Steven Furtick

Steven Furtick at Hillsong Conference: 'I've Never Been Ready'

By Alex Murashko

Elevation Church Pastor Steven Furtick preached at a Hillsong Conference in Sydney for the first time on Tuesday, telling thousands of people in attendance and an online audience that God doesn't need anyone to "feel ready" to answer their calling.

If we don't lead people in the "sinner's prayer" in evangelism, then how can we lead them to Christ? Pastor David Platt is answering that question after having expressed reservation over the widely employed "sinner's prayer."

The first openly gay bishop in The Episcopal Church recently praised pro-gay Presbyterians for creating "enormous confusion" and what he called "holy chaos" in their denomination over homosexuality.

A Washington State pastor who has recently had open-heart surgery will be biking across the United States for the benefit of raising money for diapers.

More News

Minn. Congregation Abandons Pro-Gay Marriage Pastor; Church Forced to Shut Down

A Minnesota pastor who declared his support for same sex marriage, causing a divide in his congregation, has lost his church after being unable to gather enough funds to pay off its loans.

Thousands Show Up for Ga. Church's 'Freedom Fest'

A Baptist Church in Georgia that produced ...

Top 10 Things to Do on the Fourth of July 2012

As the Fourth of July approaches each year, ...

Black Pastors Lay Down Gauntlet to Obama Over Same-Sex Marriage

The Coalition of African American Pastors ...

Pa. Atheist Files Complaint Against Restaurant Over Church Bulletin Discount

A Pennsylvania atheist has filed a complaint against a restaurant that offers a 10 percent discount for customers who provide a church bulletin on Sundays.

Jerry Sandusky's Pastor Comments on Case in Sunday Sermon (FULL TRANSCRIPT)

Just days after former Penn State football coach ...

Hotel in Britain Replaces Gideon's Bible With Kindle Carrying Scriptures

A hotel in Newscastel, England, has replaced ...

Why Did Mark Driscoll Trend on Twitter?

Seattle-based megachurch pastor Mark Driscoll, ...

Singer Cher Praises 'Cool' Joel Osteen, Draws Backlash From Gay Fans

World-renowned pop star and actress Cher took to ...

Former Chuck E. Cheese Voice Actor Hopes Fans Were Touched by Jesus

After serving as the voice of Chuck E. Cheese for ...

Supreme Court Asked to Intervene in Defense of Marriage Act Ruling

The ongoing legal battle to uphold the Defense of ...


Season of service, yakima cityfest

Cantinas Christian Music Festival to Promote Arts, Community

By Emma Koonse

Ahead of the first-ever Cantinas Christian Music Festival, the event's organizers have explained more about what is in store for Christian music lovers.

E! television network's special on New York Jets quarterback Tim Tebow highlighted his influence and the events that led to his superstardom as told through his friends, former teammates and reporters.

Manny Pacquiao may be considered a rival of fellow boxer Floyd Mayweather after years of public feuding over a fight that has yet to be scheduled, but the Filipino Christian congressman recently spoke about visiting his fellow pugilist in jail.


Illegal Arms Trade

Evangelicals to Attend UN Negotiations Addressing Deadly Illegal Arms Trade

By Stoyan Zaimov

A press briefing at the United Nations on Tuesday, July 3 is set to address the growing problem of unregulated arms being traded in impoverished areas of the world where weapons fall into the wrong hands, resulting in the loss of thousands of lives each year.

Following months of headlines describing violent religious persecution in nations like Nigeria and India, as well as increased concerns about the fate of minorities under Egypt's newly elected Muslim Brotherhood president, a new declaration is calling for greater religious freedom globally.

In a brazen move, radical religious leaders of the Indigenous People Forum are set to introduce in Manipur, India new Freedom of Religion legislation, also known as the anti-conversion law.

A decision by a German court prohibiting doctors from performing circumcisions based on religious reasons is being protested by Jews and Muslims who say the ruling is a violation of their liberties, as circumcision is held by both groups as a religious rite.

Tim Tebow Agreed to Appear on 'The Bachelor?'

Tim Tebow has agreed to take part in "The ...

CNN's Anderson Cooper Reveals 'I'm Gay': Denies Pushing Gay Agenda

Anderson Cooper recently spoke out regarding his ...

Jeremy Lin Scores First ESPY Nod for Taking 'Control of Knicks Backcourt'

Jeremy Lin, New York Knicks point guard who was ...

Cantinas Music Festival Announced, the 'Christian Coachella'

The Cantinas Ranch Foundation has announced a new ...

Finally, an Awards Show for Christian Movies: Resonate Film Festival Announced

As a means to recognize faith-based and family-friendly films, the first Resonate Film Festival has been announced on Wednesday.

BET Awards, Cissy Houston Sings for Whitney: Celebs Weep (VIDEO)

Cissy Houston's special tribute to her late ...

Randy Blythe of Lamb Of God Arrested in Connection With Fan's Death

Lead singer for the famous Richmond, Va., based ...

Bethlehem's Nativity Church Gets 'World Heritage' Status

The ancient Church of the Nativity in the ...

Egypt's President Morsi to Elect a Christian and a Woman as Vice Presidents

Egypt's newly elected president, Mohammed Morsi ...

Sudanese Authorities Demolish Two Church Buildings

Authorities in Khartoum demolished two church ...

Vietnamese Officials Destroy Two New Church Buildings

Vietnamese officials in Muong Cha district, Dien ...

Anti-Trafficking Groups Raising Awareness Ahead of London Summer Games

A group of over 30 faith-based investment firms ...

Singapore Megachurch: Pastor Kong Hee Did Not Misuse Funds for Wife

City Harvest Church, one of Singapore's largest ...

Singapore Pastor Kong Hee Charged With Fraud, Facing Life in Prison

Megachurch Pastor Kong Hee of City Harvest Church ...

Tech & Biz

Facebook Gay Marriage Icon

Facebook Adds a New Icon to Represent Gay Married Couples

By Vincent Funaro

Facebook now accommodates gay married couples as the social media network has added a cake topper icon with two male or female partners to it.

Google's Android platform controls over half of the smartphone market, according to recent data collected by the research firm known as ComScore.

After many delays, AT&T will finally make the Samsung Galaxy S3 available to its customers on July 6, according to a recent announcement by the carrier.

Anyone wanting to run Android applications on a Mac can do so by acquiring Bluestacks, a tool that recently launched for PC and Apple computers.

The Idea of America

By Kevin DeYoung

It has often been said that America was founded upon an idea. The country was not formed mainly for power or privilege but in adherence to a set of principles. Granted, these ideals have been, at various times in our history, less than ideally maintained. But the ideals remain. The idea persists.


Does God Really Laugh at the Wicked?

By Dan Delzell

Dan Delzell

Have you ever been at your wits' end with a relative or a friend? You have tried over and over again to help that person come to their senses regarding their self-destructive behavior....but to no avail. Sometimes after you have cried all the tears you have to cry for someone, you find yourself shaking your head in bewilderment and even laughing at the foolishness of their reckless behavior.


Interview: American Woman on 5 Years of Intimate Life in Afghanistan

By Michelle A. Vu

in the land of blue burqas

Kate McCord (protective pseudonym) recently spoke to The Christian Post about her five years in Afghanistan and the Afghan people, including common misperceptions – on both sides – the life of Afghan women, child marriage, and the underground Christian population.


The Death of Elitist Leadership

By Thom S. Rainer

LifeWay Rainer

It is indeed an understatement, but it's true. Leadership is changing. The overall thrust of the changes is that elitist leadership is dead; at the very least it is dying. The demand for greater transparency, honesty, and just plain decent behavior has never been higher.


We Need Firefighters!

By Lane Palmer


Even as I write this, I can see the once piercing blue horizon of my beautiful Colorado skies transformed into a thick haze of billowy smoke. In nearly every direction, the flames stretch skyward as they are fed by howling winds that sing a grim tune.


Drop the J Bomb

By Greg Stier

Greg Stier

All too often all too many churches subtly imply that a life well lived is enough. They imply that if you're a good neighbor, co-worker, student or friend then, at some point, others will ask what makes you so different.


A Moment to Be Clear: Courage, Not Silence

By Eric Metaxas

NC marriage

Evangelical Christians are in danger of tragically misapplying the gospel. It's a mistake we've seen before.


What They See When They Come to Your Church

By Thom S. Rainer

Bronx Bible Church

In the context of serious theological discussions, it may seem trivial to write about first impressions of guests when they visit your church. But, if we could understand that a returning guest has more opportunities to hear the gospel and experience Christian love and fellowship, we might take the issue a bit more seriously.


The Average Salary Of A Pastor In America

By Duke Taber

Now, remember, most students coming out of Bible college do not become a pastor right away, they usually have to start as a youth pastor, associate pastor, or some other entry level position within the church. Because of this, their salary will be even less than what is listed here.


Kill Your Sin Before It Kills You

By Dan Delzell

Dan Delzell

Two summers ago in our community, a 34-year-old man was strangled by his pet boa constrictor. It took place in his home as he was showing off the snake to a friend. Cory Byrne died in a local hospital just hours after police officers and paramedics pried the 9-foot snake from his neck.


SCOTUS Arizona Immigration Law Decision: Who Wins? (Pt. 1)

By Lisa Sharon Harper

health care supreme court

As if from inside an echo chamber, one expert after another reinforced lived experience with proven statistical data: Not only does racial, ethnic, and religious profiling violate the civil rights of U.S. citizens, but this kind of profiling also makes law enforcement less (not more) effective.


Spiritual Abuse: Shepherds – or Fleecers – of God's Flock?

By June Hunt

June Hunt

"Will you continue to stand by and let your church drown financially?" So began an ad for "Financial Empowerment Seminars." The target audience: church members wanting to invest profitably, while also benefitting their churches and communities. The seminars were led by a man who now faces federal prosecution by the SEC for defrauding investors of more than $11 million in a Ponzi scheme.


A Conversation with Emily Colson: Father's Legacy, Son's Autism, and the Power of Redemption

By Ruth Malhotra

Emily colson

Committed to carrying on her father's legacy, Emily spoke candidly to us about the lessons she has learned along the way. "Above all, my dad taught me the power of Jesus Christ to change a life," she said.


David Platt Still Addressing Controversy Over 'Sinner's Prayer' Remarks

By Lillian Kwon

david platt

It was a three-minute video clip that was shared across the evangelical community. In it, Pastor David Platt famously called the "sinner's prayer" "superstitious." A few months later, he still finds himself explaining the heart behind that message.


Reverse Missions: Back to the Catacombs (Part 3)

By Wallace Henley

wallace henley

The weary old building reeked with death. Spiritual demise had occurred long ago at the hands of theologies that strangled biblical truth.


Obamacare Decision Proves Elections Matter

By Jerry Newcombe

health care supreme court

My first reaction to the Obamacare decision was: Well, it was a great country while it lasted. My second reaction to the Obamacare decision is to re-remember just how important elections are.


When Fire Forces You From Home

By Jim Daly


If you had only a few minutes to gather up a few select treasures of your life before fleeing a raging inferno, what would you take - and what would you leave behind?


What Happened at the RCA General Synod?

By Kevin DeYoung


The short answer is: a lot. It was an exhausting week, one from which I still have not recovered. I'm glad I don't have to go back for five years.


Will NAE's Code of Ethics For Pastors Become Professional Standard?

By Alex Murashko

Max Lucado NRB

Prominent Christian leaders continue to sign and endorse a "Code of Ethics for Pastors" document created by a National Association of Evangelicals taskforce and released just two weeks ago. But others wonder why the Bible – already serving as a standard – isn't enough.


The Tragedy of the Dumb Church

By Robin Schumacher

The fact is some in this particular demographic leave the Church because they get talked out of a faith that they were never sure of in the first place. The storyline is sadly familiar.


It Can Happen Here: Religious Freedom Threatened

By Eric Metaxas


C'mon, is so-called gay "marriage" really a threat to religious freedom? Seriously? Christians are often asked by gay activists why they oppose same-sex "marriage." "How does our marriage hurt you?" they ask.


Is Political Science Worthy of Government Funding?

By Napp Nazworth

A debate among political scientists erupted this week over a New York Times op-ed by Dr. Jacqueline Stevens arguing that, "Political Scientists are Lousy Forecasters." The debate comes amid efforts in Congress to not allow political science research to compete for National Science Foundation grants.


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