
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

THE CHRISTIAN POST: Tuesday July 24, 2012 Av 5, 5772

Colorado shootings
(Photo: Reuters/Jason Hatfield)

Colorado Shooting: Cross Carrying Evangelist One of First Responders

By Alex Murashko

An evangelist perhaps best known for carrying his 12-foot cross around the globe during the last 44 years – often to places of tragedy – didn't have to travel thousands of miles to share his love for Jesus late last week. Denver area resident Arthur Blessitt was one of the first responders to the aftermath of the carnage perpetrated by a gunman at an Aurora, Colo., movie theater.

AIDS Conference Experts Say 'No Excuse' for Not Taking Action

By Michael Gryboski

As the 2012 International AIDS Conference begins, experts at the event are saying that there is "no excuse" for not taking major action against the global disease.


obama romney

Poll: Americans Sick of Political Campaigns Focused on Attacks Rather Than Issues

By Stoyan Zaimov

A new poll shows that Americans are growing increasingly frustrated with the way political leaders are campaigning against each other, seeing it as doing more harm than good in the political sphere.

The death of a 24-year-old woman after a botched abortion at a Planned Parenthood clinic has prompted pro-lifers to renew their call for a congressional investigation into the abortion provider.

President Obama has been criticized by some born-again Christians for running the most anti-biblical administration in history, but recent data from Gallup show that he is actually losing ground among atheists as well.

For some pastors, especially those close to scene of the tragic shooting inside a movie theater in Aurora, Colo., during the early hours of last Friday, their sermon notes for this past Sunday's services had to be rewritten. Author and evangelist Lee Strobel was scheduled to speak at Cherry Hills Community Church about marriage, but changed the theme of his message to answer the question, "Why does God allow tragedy and suffering?"

Evangelical Christian Jerry Newcombe recently suggested that tragedies like the Colorado movie theater shooting are caused by a lack of belief in a literal, eternal hell.

Church & Ministries


'Mystery Guests' Rank Churches Based on First-Time Visits

By Lillian Kwon

First-time visitors to churches across the country say churches with 300 to 500 attendees perform the best when it comes to first impressions, according to a recent report. Their experiences at mega churches and smaller-sized congregations weren't quite as enjoyable.

The pastor of the Colorado shooting suspect's family church in San Diego, Calif., said all he can recall about the now 24-year-old man is that he was shy and wanted to do well at school.

A Jurisdiction of the United Methodist Church has approved a pro-gay resolution denouncing the denomination's Book of Discipline's opposition to homosexuality.

Pastor Ed Young from Fellowship Church in Grapevine, Texas, warns that relationships have become too dependent on technology, which decreases people's ability to connect with one another.


'The New Normal,' Gay Couple Adoption Show, 'Damaging Our Culture,' Says One Million Moms

By Daniel Distant

"The New Normal," a television show about homosexual couple who hires a surrogate mother, has been the subject of protest by family values group One Million Moms. One Million Moms says that the show's creator, openly gay producer Ryan Murphy of "Glee," is "damaging our culture" and "attempting to redefine marriage."

In the wake of the Penn State scandal, the university is left with to deal with severe sanctions from the NCAA, which involves a multi-million dollar fine and the vacating of all wins from 1998-2011.

Contemporary Christian music star Michael W. Smith has denounced a recent lawsuit threat from a Utah atheist who wants a concert canceled because of possible church-state concerns.

Ryan Reynolds is set to play God's son in the upcoming season of "Family Guy." But producers of the TV show are not creating a Jesus character for the actor. Rather, Reynolds will be portrayed as "God's previous attempt at an immaculate conception"



Over 100 Killed in Attacks During Ramadan in Iraq

By Anugrah Kumar

Iraq's Shi'ite community and government officials were targeted in a series of attacks around the country that killed at least 125 people soon after the beginning of the Muslims' holy month of Ramadan.

In response to an article recently published in The Telegraph U.K., the Evangelical Alliance has expressed concern over the mentality of governmental officials towards faith schools and those who support them when they cautioned the public about "evangelical Christians."

Advocacy groups in Ukraine have said that homosexuals in the Eastern European country are being targeted by an increasing amount of intolerance and violence, and have criticized the government for pushing legislation that would criminalize any positive portrayals of homosexuality.

A report recently published describes the growing concern surrounding the increasingly common abductions and forced conversions of Coptic Christians in Egypt in the wake of the uprisings that overthrew former President Hosni Mubarak early in 2011.

Tech & Biz

Samsung Galaxy S3 image

Samsung Galaxy S3 Passes 10 Million Sales Earlier Than Expected

By Jim Gardner

The Samsung Galaxy S3 has taken the smartphone market by storm; it has become the bestselling smartphone at both Verizon and AT&T, and latest reports state that the device has already sold more than 10 million units more than a week earlier than predicted.

Apple fans are eagerly awaiting for the OS X Mountain Lion, which is expected to have a released date of July 25. With just days to go those waiting to get their hands on the new Mac operating system can expect to receive an amazing 200 new features.

The President of one of the largest fast-food chains in America explained that he takes pride in being able to live out his Christian faith through his restaurants, but that we as a nation are challenging God's principals when it comes to the same sex-marriage debate.

With "The Dark Knight Rises" hitting theaters from last Friday Batman fans are flocking to see the concluding part of Christopher Nolan's highly praised trilogy. However, also running alongside the movie release is the game version of "The Dark Knight Rises" released by Gameloft, and available for the iOS and Android.

Despite the Rhetoric, Research Shows Decline in Gun Culture, Gun Violence

By Napp Nazworth

The recent shooting massacre in Aurora, Colo., has fed into a perception that America is becoming increasingly violent amid a gluttonous gun craze. Actually, the opposite is true, Patrick Egan, assistant professor of politics and public policy at New York University, points out in a post for The Monkey Cage, a political science blog.


Why Are So Many Men Hooked on Internet Porn, Video Games?

By Russell D. Moore

Playstation 3

You know the guy I'm talking about. He spends hours into the night playing video games and surfing for pornography. He fears he's a loser. And he has no idea just how much of a loser he is.


Interview: Olympic Gold Medalist Josh Davis on Christian Athletes, the Games, and Michael Phelps

By Michelle A. Vu

Josh Davis

Davis spoke to The Christian Post last week about his book The Goal and the Glory – a compilation of stories from Christian Olympians – how he felt the day after winning three gold medals, and his connection to Texas megachurch pastor and bestselling author Max Lucado and 14-time-Olympic-gold-medalist Michael Phelps.


Finding the Flipside of Evil

By Dr. Tony Beam

Dr. Tony Beam

When evil rises in such a pervasive and perverse way we are left to ponder its cause. Psychologists will line up to dissect and analyze the life of the shooter, pointing to telltale signs that might have revealed his approaching break with reality. Sociologists will point to the shortcomings of culture as the culprit.


The Politics of Batman: Is Romney Bane or Wayne?

By Napp Nazworth

dark knight

Politics has collided with pop culture recently as commentators have drawn connections between Bane, the villain in the new Batman movie, "The Dark Knight Rises," and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney. Others, however, have said that Romney is more like the film's hero: Bruce Wayne, the billionaire who fights crime in a bat suit.


A Mainline Collapse: The Twilight of Liberal Christianity?

By Eric Metaxas

Episcopal ordination of Bruce and Glasspool

Since 2000, the Episcopal Church has lost 23 percent of its members. At this rate, there will be no Episcopalians in 26 years.


Gotham City Is a Caricature of Biblical Babylon

By Wallace Henley

wallace henley

Gotham is the caricature of "Babylon," identified in the Bible Book of Revelation as the world system seeking to function without God, and usually in defiance of Him.


Eternity Amnesia and Its Effect on Ministry

By Paul Tripp

Paul tripp

Could it be that there are times when you live and minister as if there is no such thing as forever? Since God's grace guarantees your final destination, it also must guarantee you all the grace you need along the way. We are in trouble when we fail to recognize that future grace carries with it the promise of present grace.


Colorado Shooting: 13 Years After Columbine, Is the Church to Blame?

By Alex Murashko

aurora shooting

Colorado native David Jesse woke up Friday morning to the news of the mass shooting in an Aurora movie theater in which 12 people were killed and 58 injured and instantly felt the same way he did more than a decade ago after the Columbine tragedy. While first recalling how Christian leaders at the time pointed to the evils of society in blaming the shootings at Columbine, he says that the Church is to blame for what happened in Aurora.


The Dark Night in Denver – Groping for Answers

By R. Albert Mohler, Jr.

How could such a thing happen? How could a human being do such a thing? There is no easy answer to this question. The easy answers are never satisfying, and they are often based in the confused moral calculus of popular culture. Christians are driven by instinct to think in biblical and theological terms.


The Simple (Yet Powerful) Results of Spending Time With God

By Joyce Meyer

megachurch pastor

Spending quality time with God is so important. And there are many promises in the Bible about what happens when we do this. For example, Psalm 16:11 says that in God's presence, there is fullness of joy.


Interview: Phoenix City Prosecutor on Religious Freedom in Jailed Pastor Case (Pt. 2)

By Michelle A. Vu

arizona court

In part 1 of CP's conversation with chief prosecutor of Phoenix Aaron J. Carreon-Ainsa, we heard why the city was troubled by Salman's weekly Bible study in his 2,000-square-foot game room. Now in the second part of the interview, Carreon-Ainsa will address concerns that the city violated Salman's religious freedom, the court order limiting only 12 people or less in the pastor's home, and a police "raid" on the property.


The Aurora Movie Massacre and the Real Dark Knight

By Greg Stier

Greg Stier

Along with the rest of America I'm shocked and saddened at the mass shootings that took place in Aurora, Colorado at this morning's 12:01 am premiere of "Dark Knight Rising" the latest and last of the Batman trilogy.


Look What He Found in Grandpa's Attic

By Dan Delzell

Dan Delzell

If Karl's grandpa knew what he was doing by saving all those cards, don't underestimate what God can do by choosing to leave an inheritance for His children. You are probably not wiser than your grandfather....and you are definitely not wiser than your Creator. Don't allow your defiance to defeat your faith.


Evangelicals Debate Theistic Evolution, Historical Adam

By Lillian Kwon


Evangelical Christians have launched a civil debate on their opposing views on evolution and its compatibility with Scripture. Rather than a "tit-for-tat" exchange, they sought to start something more "charitable" and "respectful" in the science and faith discussion.


10 Reasons We Have Not Reached the Unchurched

By Thom S. Rainer

Thom Rainer

Let us look with stark honesty and candor at the ineffectiveness of most American believers when it comes to sharing their faith. One of the main reasons many Christians do not share their faith is simply explained by the word disobedience.


Whatever Happened to Hell?

By Jerry Newcombe

love wins

Belief in Hell doesn't seem to be taken too seriously these days. Millions of high school students have been taught about Jonathan Edwards' famous sermon, "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God," as a supposed example of Puritan excess.


The Dark Knight in You

By Lane Palmer

dark knight

What, exactly, is worth saving in Gotham City? Callous, cruel, corrupt and downright cold blooded might be some of the more positive descriptions for the object of Batman's loyalty. He believes there is something bright and beautiful behind the shroud of darkness in Gotham city.


On the Uniqueness of the Individual: Humanism and Theism

By Jeremy Egrerer

Creation Museum

For once the shock and dehumanization of Durden's statement wears off, the viewer is left with an entirely inconvenient question: supposing God doesn't exist, if a man isn't known by many (or any), how much value can he possibly have?


Penn State Sin Makes Every Man a Suspect

By Jim Daly

penn state

The sins of one man at Penn State can be addressed in a court of law, but the consequences ripple like waves from the wake of a big boat. How many adults will keep their distance from kids out of a desire to protect and preserve their reputation?


What to Make of Obama Crediting Community Over the Individual in Business Success

By Jordan Ballor

Barack Obama

But even though the president's words here may have been designed to cater to a base more inclined toward collectivism, conservatives and independents should not respond by rejecting the kernel of truth contained in the president's remarks.


Would Striking Clichés Make Christians More Tolerable?

By Alex Murashko

JOHN 316

Author and speaker Christian Piatt believes Christian clichés can do more harm than good and if stricken from their vocabulary, can make believers more tolerable.


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