October 29, 2012 Monday Heshvan 13 5773
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Last Generation Network News Christian Edition
God Almighty
There is Nothing you cannot do.
Nations rise and fall at your command
Storms are given and storms recede as you decide
You are in control of the Universe
The earth itself and every aspect there of
Operate according to your plan
Every Hair on my Head
Every breeze in the Trees
Every day there is sunshine
Every raindrop that falls
Anything less I would expect men to say
But everything more I know you are
You are My God and I am Yours.
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Hurricane Sandy blows US election off course
Obama during hurricane briefing (Photo: Reuters)
Obama reschedules campaign events, vows to 'respond big and fast' after hurricane hits; Romney re-routes campaigning from Virginia to Ohio News agencies
Hurricane Sandy blew the US presidential race off course on Sunday even before it came ashore, forcing Republican Mitt Romney to shift his campaign inland and fueling fears that the massive storm bearing down on the East Coast could disrupt early voting.
President Barack Obama said on Sunday that he did not expect that Hurricane Sandy would have an impact on voting for the Nov. 6 election but suggested it was something that would have to be examined later.
Terrifying Megastorm Cripples Northeast
Sandy continues to be a large and dangerous system and poses a major threat to portions of the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast. Residents from New England to New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia and eastern Ohio should prepare for Sandy immediately and finish those preparations by Sunday night.
Dr. Jeff Masters:
Sandy likely to be a multi-billion dollar disaster for the U.S.
Jeff Masters, meteorology director of the forecasting service Weather Underground, said this could be as big, perhaps bigger, than the worst East Coast storm on record, a 1938 New England hurricane that is sometimes known as the Long Island Express.
The storm loomed a little more than a week before Election Day, while several states were heavily involved in campaigning, canvassing and get-out-the-vote efforts. Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney and Vice President Joe Biden both canceled weekend campaign events in coastal Virginia Beach, Va., though their events in other parts of the states were going on as planned. In Rhode Island, politicians asked supporters to take down yard signs for fear they might turn into projectiles in the storm.
Hurricane Sandy NOAA Charts...
Hurricane Sandy forces mass transit
closure, evacuations in New York City
U.S. Stock Trading Canceled as New York Girds for Storm
Hurricane Sandy and Washington, D.C.:
Detailed storm timeline, maps, and frequent questions
Washington Metro Suspends All Rail and Bus Service on Monday
Millions across East Coast brace for 'Superstorm' Sandy,
while transit systems close and supplies fly off shelves
Obama campaign fears impact on voter
turnout due to Hurricane Sandy
Sandy tied for 2nd largest tropical cyclone since 1988
Pre-Halloween Disruption: 'Frankenstorm' takes aim at East Coast
Sandy developed on the night of the last US Presidential debate
Sandy developed from an elongated tropical wave in the western Caribbean Sea on October 22. It quickly strengthened after becoming a tropical depression and was upgraded to Tropical Storm Sandy six hours later. Sandy moved slowly northward toward the Greater Antilles and gradually strengthened. On October 24, Sandy was upgraded to a hurricane, shortly before making landfall in Jamaica.
Romney stated:
Is the Middle East in tumult? Yes. Is — is al-Qaida on the run, on its heels? No. Is — are Israel and the Palestinians closer to reaching a peace agreement?
No, they haven’t had talks in two years. We have not seen the progress we need to have, and I’m convinced that with strong leadership and an effort to build a strategy based upon helping these nations reject extremism, we can see the kind of peace and prosperity the world demands.
Obama's positions on Israel's land are well documented. US-Israel joint military exercises this week in Israel were small and were motivated to stop Israel from attacking Iran's nuclear development program prior to the US election. The renewing of military aid this week was politically timed.
Obama's UN Ambassador Rice:
US does not accept legitimacy of Israel settlements
US Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Susan E. Rice said on Monday, October 15, that the US "does not accept the legitimacy of Israeli settlement activity, and will continue to oppose any efforts to legalize outposts."
Speaking at the Security Council Open Debate on the Middle East, Rice emphasized: "The fate of existing settlements must be dealt with by the parties along with other permanent-status issues."
Hurricane Sandy expected to wallop the Northeast on the
21st anniversary of the Perfect Storm and Madrid Conference
Hurricane Sandy is expected to come ashore in the Northeast US on the 21st anniversary of the "Perfect Storm." That record setting storm devastated the New England Coast as President George HW Bush hosted the Madrid Conference from October 30 to November 1, 1991.
The Perfect Storm sent 30 foot ocean waves into Bush's Kennebunkport home as he was calling on Israel to give up the West Bank (Judea, Samaria and East Jerusalem). The Madrid "land for peace" conference began the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.
Hurricane Sandy is expected to disrupt the campaign and voting in the 2012 US Presidential Election. Both major political parties have publicly endorsed "two states" on Israel's covenant land.
UNHRC plots boycott of pro-Israeli companies
UN Headquarters in New York
(photo: Reuters)
Obama endorses same-sex marriage initiatives
in three states; Maryland, Maine and Washington
Obama campaigning
(photo: Kevin LaMarque/Reuters)
As in the Days of Noah:
Sandy's rain, wind and floods will devastate 6 states and DC that have legalized same-sex marriage with 2 others voting
Six states that have legalized same-sex marriage: Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Vermont, the District of Columbia, with Maryland and Maine voting November 6 on referendums on same sex marriage. New Jersey offers civil unions granting rights similar to marriage. Pennsylvania's state statute bans same-sex marriage.
Laws that would legalize same-sex marriage in Washington and Maryland were passed in 2012, but each will be subject to a referendum during the November 2012 elections, while Maine will also vote on an citizens' initiative to establish same-sex marriage.
Same-sex marriage has been legalized through court rulings and legislative action, but not via popular vote.
29 Oct 12
Could 'Frankenstorm' be a sign from God?
America’s eastern seaboard is in a state of emergency, stocking up on food and battening down the hatches as it anticipates a ferocious weather event some insurance companies would refer to as “an act of God.” But could the “Frankenstorm” – the feared combined forces of a wintery land storm with Hurricane Sandy – actually be a message from the Almighty?
4.2 earthquake hits Central California wilderness
The U.S. Geological Survey reported that the temblor occurred at 9:25 p.m. The epicenter was five miles northwest of Pinnacles and 13 miles northeast of Soledad. The Pinnacles National Monument is a vast wilderness area containing a rock formation left by an extinct volcano. The San Andreas fault runs through the region and seismic activity is frequent. There were no immediate reports of injury or damage.
Iraq stops Syria-bound jet
In a second time this month, Baghdad stops an Iranian cargo plane heading to Syria, allowing it to leave after ensuring that it is not carrying weapons
Christianity struggling to return to eastern Turkey
Turkey is home to one of the oldest Christian populations in the world, the Suriyani, who fled during recent conflict. In the last few years they’ve been returning, but problems with their resettlement are apparent.
Daily Humiliation Continues: 18 Rockets since Midnight
"At least 18 rockets were fired at Israeli territory, without causing injuries or damage," police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld told AFP, saying the count was from midnight.
Millions across East Coast brace for 'Superstorm' Sandy, while transit systems close and supplies fly off shelves
As of 5 a.m. Monday, the storm was centered about 385 miles southeast of New York City, moving to the north at 14 mph, with hurricane-force winds extending an incredible 175 miles from its center. The National Hurricane Center said early Monday the storm has intensified, with top sustained winds of 85 mph and higher gusts.
Euro zone ponders best path to "GEMU"
It stands for Genuine Economic and Monetary Union, a term used in the conclusions of the last two European Union summits in a tacit acknowledgement that the single currency created by the 1992 Maastricht Treaty was flawed and woefully incomplete. It also signals that Europe's leaders are starting to shift their focus from fingers-in-the-dike crisis management to save the euro to a longer-term process of building a more robust, storm-resistant architecture for the currency area. "We are not looking at a 'big bang' moment for the euro zone, a sudden mutation that would transform it into a completely different beast,"
8 minor quakes jolt Surigao del Norte town in a day
Eight earthquakes, many of which occurred within an hour of each other, were recorded east of Burgos town in Surigao del Norte on Sunday, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology said.
Has General Ham Been Fired?
Has General Carter F. Ham, commander of U.S. Africa Command, been fired for defying Leon Panetta on Benghazi? Glenn Reynolds, the Instapundit, ran a piece Saturday afternoon titled "Interesting Rumor Concerning General Carter Ham and Stand Down Order." This piece is presented as a rumor. It suggests that General Ham was told to stand down from sending aid to Benghazi, that General Ham on his own decided to proceed, and that he was then relieved of his command.
Bill Clinton told Hillary To Resign, US Arming ‘Syrian Rebels’ With Ties To Al Queda
Hillary Clinton, as Secretary of State, came forward to “take responsibility overall” for the attacks at Benghazi, but per Ed Klein we now know behind the scenes Bill Clinton advised his wife to resign over the possible criminal fallout of the Benghazi massacre.
"Gotta Serve Somebody"
The Second-Term Curse There are many reasons I think Barack Obama should be voted out of office. In the past few weeks, several folks who regularly write for the site have detailed the reasons Mitt Romney would be a better choice. I found an historic reason to send Obama back to Chicago. Of the nineteen U.S. presidents who have been elected to a second term, only seven avoided a troubled or failed second term. The second-term curse has affected every qualifying president who followed Calvin Coolidge, who luckily retired ten months ahead of the 1929 stock market crash. Here is a rundown of just the last six presidents: George W Bush: The housing bubble burst on his watch. The financial crisis was caused by loose economic policy that resulted from people being approved for loans that they were unqualified to pay back. The meltdown in 2008 almost destroyed the economy. The Bush administration added $4 trillion to the nation debt. Bill Clinton: Special investigator Kenneth Starr uncovered Bill Clinton's affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. Clinton denied the allegations in a televised appearance on January 26, 1998, but was later forced to recant. The Republican-controlled House impeached him, but he was saved by all of the Democrats in the Senate voting for acquittal. Ronald Reagan: The Iran-Contra affair was a major distraction during Reagan's second term. The administration sold weapons to Iran to gain the freedom of hostages held in Lebanon, illegally diverting the profits to the Contras, a rebel force fighting the Sandinista government in Nicaragua. Lt. Col. Oliver North and retired naval officer John Poindexter were both convicted of obstructing Congress. Reagan's knowledge of the arms deals remains a mystery. Richard Nixon: Five members of Nixon's Committee to Re-elect the President (CREEP) were arrested for breaking into the offices of the Democratic National Committee in the Watergate complex. Nixon became implicated in the break-in by ordering a cover-up. He became the first president to resign when it became clear he faced impeachment. Lyndon Johnson: The Vietnam War conflict started during the Kennedy administration. Johnson presided over a major escalation of fighting, sending an additional 35,000 troops to Vietnam each month. After the North Vietnamese launched their deadly Tet offensive, confidence in the campaign quickly collapsed. Johnson chose not to run again after being confronted with protestors who would often chant the line, "Hey, hey, LBJ, how many kids have you killed today?" Dwight Eisenhower: During the height of the Cold War, a U-2 spy plane operated by the CIA was shot down by the Soviet military. Eisenhower denied the plane was in Soviet airspace, but Kremlin leader Nikita Khrushchev proved Eisenhower to be a liar by parading pilot Francis Gary Powers before the media. Khrushchev compounded Eisenhower's embarrassment by walking out of the U.S.-Soviet peace talks. His chief of staff became embroiled in a bribery scandal before being forced to resign. I think what causes second-term presidents to veer off track is the cockiness that comes from annihilating your presidential opponent. Having had a first term that was successful enough to warrant the voters giving them a second term, presidents become convinced that they have the magic touch. Second-term presidents also don't need to worry about being reelected. The lack of caution leads to disaster. It seems to me that we have already had Barack Obama's second term. All the errors from previous administrations have been at work during the past forty-five months. Obama has made zero progress towards getting government spending under control, welfare roles have exploded under his watch, his administration has become rife with corruption, and the "Fast and Furious" scandal is the first time I've ever seen a White House show total contempt for the rule of law. It scares me endlessly to think of what we have yet to see in the cocky and reckless president who will emerge from a second-term victory. I'm reminded of the phrase written by Lord Acton in a letter to Bishop Mandell Creighton: "Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely." The second-term curse isn't the only jinx we need to worry about. The Bible promises a series of curses to any nation that rejects God's biblical truth. Since we've been going down the path toward destruction for so long, the greatest curse may be the inability to turn the rudder around. On November 6, we may find this to be the case. "Give your servant therefore an understanding mind to govern your people, that I may discern between good and evil, for who is able to govern this your great people?” (1 Kings 3:9 ESV). "If you see in a province the oppression of the poor and the violation of justice and righteousness, do not be amazed at the matter, for the high official is watched by a higher, and there are yet higher ones over them" (Ecclesiastes 5:8 ESV). --Todd Startling Starting Over? Rumor has it that the politicians and the money powers that be, nationally and globally, have a plan that would eliminate all debt and intend to put it in place and restart up again under a totally changed economic system. Things are so chaotic within the fiscal world that such is the only solution. Absolutely ludicrous--unthinkable--you say? Well, I thought so, too, until the rumor began taking on more and more legitimacy just this past week. Rush Limbaugh made a special point of the fact that it came to his attention that the planners of the Obama administration were rumored to be considering such an option immediately, or not long after beginning a second term. All debt would be written off with a stroke of the presidential pen and a new monetary regime, excluding the old dollar, would be put into place. He didn’t give details, but who could possibly give details on what such a change would take–and would mean? Such rearrangement would have incalculable ramifications and consequences, it seems to me. So, I pushed that to the back of the cogitations of my gray matter. Then, I began seeing stories appearing talking about such possibilities as wiping out debt and replacing the system with something…exactly what, who knows? One such article, in particular, I’ve excerpted here. So there is a magic wand after all. A revolutionary paper by the International Monetary Fund claims that one could eliminate the net public debt of the US at a stroke, and by implication do the same for Britain, Germany, Italy, or Japan. The IMF reports say the conjuring trick is to replace our system of private bank-created money. One could slash private debt by 100pc of GDP, boost growth, stabilize prices, and dethrone bankers all at the same time. It could be done cleanly and painlessly, by legislative command, far more quickly than anybody imagined. The conjuring trick is to replace our system of private bank-created money--roughly 97pc of the money supply--with state-created money. We return to the historical norm, before Charles II placed control of the money supply in private hands with the English Free Coinage Act of 1666. Specifically, it means an assault on "fractional reserve banking." If lenders are forced to put up 100pc reserve backing for deposits, they lose the exorbitant privilege of creating money out of thin air. The nation regains sovereign control over the money supply. There are no more banks runs, and fewer boom-bust credit cycles. Accounting legerdemain will do the rest. That at least is the argument. (Ambrose Evans Prichard, "IMF's Epic Plan to Conjure away Debt and Dethrone Bankers," Telegraph, 10/22/12) All one has to do to imagine the upheaval such a thing as writing off all debt and beginning again would bring is to think of one word –China. Imagine that the U.S. says to China, “We are writing off all we owe you. Hope you will understand.” Now, I’m no economist, and I realize all of the above is so shallow in its pondering as to probably make yours truly appear a simpleton to those with acumen within and great knowledge of global economics. But, I do know that the Chinese leadership would not take kindly to our saying: “We’ve decided to just not pay you back. Now, won’t you please join us in this new monetary experiment?” And that brings me to the point that such an undertaking as writing off debt and beginning again could never be as simple as a stroke of the pen. We have contemplated often that there is no way out of the economic morass in which this nation and the world are now imprisoned. We have considered often that either something must be done or the U.S. and the world face catastrophic implosion. Love of money is the root of all kinds of evil, Paul tells us through divine inspiration (1 Timothy 6:10). So, it is fitting that this world of rebels has made its own bed and now must climb into it. That rebellious world will still be the same in its comportment following this presidential election. No matter who wins, America and virtually all other nations face the prospect of stark change or total implosion. And that is just considering the economic circumstance. Throw into the mix the Middle East rumors of war and the myriad potentially devastating problems on the horizon, and to paraphrase the late Sen. Everett Dirksen regarding billions of dollars in spending the government was already doing, pretty soon you’re talking some real problems. Whoever is the president after the next inauguration, their task is not to be envied. However, I’m convinced that Christians can continue to look forward to the brightest of all futures, because God’s most devastating judgment is reserved for the time when Jesus intervenes and brings His Bride, the church–all born-again believers—into His presence and takes them to the Father’s house (John 14:1-3). We are in the end times the Lord described as like the days of Noah and the days of Lot. The same day those men and their families were removed from their judgment-bound environments, judgment fell. That’s why the total implosion of the economy continues to loom rather than occur. When the Lord calls as recorded in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, the crash so feared will cascade upon this doomed world. “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” Now, that will truly be a startling starting over! *** When writing the Nearing Midnight commentary for October 15, “October Surprise Surfacing,” I wrote: “There is, however, surely coming an October surprise of some description. We shall see...” That “October surprise" is upon us, and it is from God, not from either political party in the presidential race. However, it isn’t the ultimate October surprise–the Rapture— for which so many emailers expressed to me that they had been hoping. But, we aren’t at election day yet, I guess it is good to remind. This storm is certainly hyped like none other I can remember. Hurricane Irene in 2011 came forth and threatened much of the East Coast of America. But, its teeth were removed to some extent before landfall, and the region was mercifully spared from what might have been. Hurricane Sandy looks to be one whose teeth are getting sharper as it joins with advancing storms from the north and west to create a “perfect storm,” as the 1991 East Coast monster was dubbed. It is more than coincidence–because there is no such thing as coincidence within God’s economy—that the storm is coming at this time, with this intensity and into such a heavily populated region so central to the governing of this nation. How it might affect voting on Tuesday of next week is a matter most intriguing. An October surprise it is, indeed!
'Superstorm' Sandy Moves Closer to 60 Million People Along US East Coast
Rains, floods, and high winds are bearing down in eastern cities, as Hurricane Sandy moves northward with about 60 million people in its path and seems set to collide with two other weather systems to form one of the worst storms in the U.S. Tens of thousands of people evacuated from their homes Sunday. Christian charity Salvation Army said it was mobilized to serve.
Obama May Win Election Without Winning Popular Vote, Polls Suggest
Based upon recent polls, the possibility of President Barack Obama winning reelection without winning a plurality of votes appears more likely than usual. As of Sunday evening, the current Real Clear Politics average of national polls shows Obama's challenger, Republican candidate Mitt Romney, ahead by 0.9 percentage points (47.7 to 46.8).
"I have had great fear, but my fear isn't of the failure of the project. It's looking back later having done nothing. It's a very serious fear. The fear of not making a meaningful contribution, of being insignificant, of looking back [and thinking] that I didn't step up. I am honestly petrified of that, or I was, and my pain of feeling like I let myself down, my family down, and not taking the risk to do it was far greater than the pleasure of being calm," said Burnett.
The reality television pioneer was one of five speakers featured at the O.C. (Orange County) Business Summit, spearheaded by Warren. The Saddleback Church founder said he felt that one way to tackle a struggling economy was to bring together the brightest minds in business to discuss how they achieved success. More than 2,000 people attended the day-long conference which included sessions led by Steve Case, who is the former CEO of America Online and presently chairman of the Case Foundation; Lynda Resnick, listed #634 on Forbes Billionaires list and #212 on Forbes 400; Michael E. Gerber, who is well known as a business guru and author of The E-Myth Revisited; and Warren.
In his discussion about fear, Burnett also talked about the making of "The Bible," a 10-hour miniseries, filmed in Morocco with his wife, Roma Downy, as co-producer and playing the part of Mary, the mother of Jesus. The series is scheduled to premiere on the History Channel early next year.
"In doing the Bible project with Roma, if I would have over-analyzed it and took too much advice I would have never started. It's too enormous, too scary, but actually my fear was of looking back and feeling like a loser that I was called to do this and I didn't do it and I have massive regrets and I'm not going to have that happen," Burnett told Warren. "I don't know for a fact that the Bible project will be as big as I hope it is, but I know I did it well and that's what matters."
When asked to talk about his creative process, Burnett first talked about the opportunities that are unique to the United States.
Follow us
"America is a country, which obviously from my accent I wasn't born here but moving here, it is the land of opportunity and what that means is that this country will allow you to have an idea, take a risk, make mistakes, and try again. This country celebrates ideas and action. I know that what I've succeeded to do in television here would have unlikely been done in Europe where I came from," he said.
Once someone has an idea they should rely on their instinct that it is a workable idea and not ridiculous, because "the first thing that usually happens is a hundred people will tell you how stupid you are," Burnett explained.
"When I set out to do Survivor the amount of people who said to me, 'You know why that's not going to work? If it was so good somebody would have already done it.' I thought that's crazy. Everything has to start somewhere," he said.
"Survivor did sound like a little crazy idea that I'm going to find an island, take 16 Americans that have never met before, get them to build a society, and play this game on television. But I just kind of knew. I knew there was something extraordinary about the idea about people who have never met. Have you ever sat on an airplane and wondered if this thing goes down where do I fit into this society? Am I the leader or the follower? Am I brave, am I weak? I always wondered this things and that is the embodiment of Survivor."
Man has looked at Man for answers and failed
There is no answer in Man
We have chose a lesser way and failed the glory God intended for us
Lord have mercy on us
Hear our cry
God shed your grace on us
Who cares who you vote for?
I don’t.
I don’t care if you vote for the latest bad guy or good guy.
I really don’t care what you think about each or any person you vote or don’t vote for.
This is how you “Should vote”
IF God has told you already that you should vote.
VOTE as Jesus tells you to.
ASK HIM then do as HE LEADS YOU.
1) If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.
2) Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
3) Not MY will but THY WILL be done.
Let God decide for you as you follow Him.
If you DO as HE tells you to do
YOU HAVE NO CONSCIENCE to invoke or Provoke
You simply Obey as He told you to
The results are up to Him
If you vote without asking Him
Based on your “idea” of what you think from politicking, issues and appearances
Read Number 2 above.
That is not a Suggestion, it is a commandment
The Soul of America
In a Nation that used to Pride itself of "Neighborly Love" "United We Stand" and "We the People" I fear for the Soul of a Country that begins motto's with "It's My Right to Carry a Gun" "Everyone in Government is Evil" and "Chooses to Voice what is Wrong with the World" than what is right.
Not the Land I was raised in.
People say the soul of a nation is established in the way we treat our elderly, our poor, our needy and our children. If that's true as odd as it seems according to the news, we are doing a pretty good job. I know a lot of people will disagree, but for the most part, IN AMERICA we do good with that.
We Care.
And that is the Soul of America.
We Care.
We don't always agree on HOW TO care but given an incredible need or a heartfelt tug and because we care, We Help.
As long as there is a Helping Hand coming from America we have not lost our soul, but merely let others with louder voices shout over the actions we do.
Don't panic over Bad News or Trash Talk on the Radio
As Long as We care.
As Long as We help those in need.
As Long as we share what we do have.
The Soul of Every American is in the right place.
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